
Canadensis – National Botanic Garden


Ottawa is the only G20 capital city without a botanical garden. A 34-acre parcel of non-mission land at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa offers a unique opportunity to create a national botanical garden of international appeal in the heart of the nation’s capital.

Since its inception in 1866 by Philadelphia landscape architects Miller and Yates, a botanical garden and arboretum were integral to the vision of The Central Experimental Farm (CEF) in Ottawa.

As a designated National Historic Site and Cultural Landscape, the Central Experimental Farm is one of Ottawa’s major attractions. Comprised of the Dominion Arboretum, Fletcher Wildlife Garden, Ornamental Gardens, Greenhouses, Heritage buildings and the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, these features of the Farm form a cluster of complementary assets.

The purpose of this Master Plan is to provide a vision for designing and funding a national botanical garden in Ottawa on the very grounds first envisaged for this use. As the name implies, Canadensis – The Garden of Canada, will be the embodiment of our country’s relationship with all things Canadian in the celebration of our unique relationship and reliance on plants.

Canadensis is focused on an entrepreneurial approach to running a year-round botanical garden, with a strong winter focus, as a major top tier tourist attraction. Having a broad focus, with an emphasis on experience, will solidify The Garden as a “must see” attraction for a wide range of customers, not simply for those interested in gardening. The Garden will embrace technology and entertainment in its quest to inspire and stimulate.

Significant economic benefits to the Capital Region from The Garden will be derived from increased tourism, initial construction activity and annual operating expenditures.