Tourism & Master Planning

The Rocks – Hopewell Cape Provincial Park

Hopewell Cape, NB

The firm prepared a site design for a totally new way of experiencing “The Rocks” at Hopewell Cape – New Brunswick’s new tourism icon branded with “Walk on the Ocean’s Floor”. The initiative was to set development back away from the dangerous coastal cliffs which was eroding steadily. After a site analysis, we recommended that the Province should acquire the neighbouring property and develop a totally new park infrastructure which would afford more opportunities for views and access to the coastal features. This approach was viewed very favourably and the additional land was acquired, transforming the Park from a rest area to the largest gated attraction in Atlantic Canada.

The work included; a new access road into the site, parking for over 500 vehicles, 40 RV’s and 10 buses, a visitor information centre, picnic facilities, accessible trails, signage, dramatic observation decks, security fencing, stairs to the shoreline, maintenance compound, playground, bus tour parking, lower canteen site and substantial indigenous planting and reforestation.

Hopewell Rocks has won two awards: a high commendation from British Airways Tourism for Tomorrow, and another as Best New Site at the Attractions Canada Awards in April 1999. The eco-tourism initiative at Hopewell Cape maintains the balance between providing visitors with unique outdoor adventures while preserving a sensitive eco-system.

In 2019, we prepared a new Master Plan for The Rocks to guide phased investment to take the attraction to the next level of destination status while increasing revenue to provincial and regional economy.